Genuine Sweetness! Natural Sweeteners in Providing Nutritious MP-ASI for Children

Genuine Sweetness! Natural Sweeteners in Providing Nutritious MP-ASI for Children

Hello, Hermina Friends, The moment of giving complementary food with breast milk (MP-ASI) is an important phase in a baby's growth and development. One of the main considerations for parents is how to provide a sweet taste to baby food without having to rely on added sugar, which has the potential to be detrimental to health. This is the time to explore natural sweeteners as a wise alternative to pioneering nutritious MP-ASI.

1. Honey as a Natural Sweetener

Honey is a natural sweetener that is rich in antioxidants and has antibacterial properties. However, please remember that using honey on babies under one year old should be avoided because it can contain dangerous bacteria.


2. Banana

Bananas are delicious fruits and can provide a natural sweet taste to MP-ASI. Bananas also contain important nutrients such as potassium, vitamin B6, and fibre, which are good for babies' digestive health.


3. Dates

Dates not only provide a delicious sweet taste but also contain essential nutrients such as fibre, iron, and vitamins. However, dates should be given in limited quantities because of their natural sugar content.


4. Natural Fruit Puree

Using natural fruit puree such as apple, pear, or mango as a natural sweetener is a good choice. These fruits provide a subtle sweet taste while providing the vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing baby.


5. Plain Yoghurt

Plain yoghurt without added sugar is another natural sweetener source. Yoghurt contains probiotics, which are good for digestion, and calcium for bone development.


  1. Sweet Starches from Vegetables

Using pureed vegetables, such as sweet potatoes or carrots, as a natural sweetener can provide a natural sweet taste and also provide additional nutrition.


7. Fresh Fruit Juice

Fresh fruit juice without added sugar is another way to add a sweet taste to MP-ASI. Make sure juice is given in limited quantities and served with other foods.


8. Mother's Milk

ASIP (expressed breast milk) remains the best choice as the main source of nutrition for babies. The natural sugar content in breast milk provides a natural sweet taste.


9. Vanilla or Cinnamon

This option provides a touch of sweetness without having to add excess sugar. However, it should be used in small amounts and with caution.


10. Natural Cereal Options

Choosing baby cereal that does not contain added sugar is a safe way to provide a sweet taste to MP-ASI. Choose cereals that contain whole grains to provide additional nutrition.


By choosing natural sweeteners, we not only provide a sweet taste to MP-ASI but also introduce babies to healthy and nutritious food choices. Don't hesitate to consult with a paediatrician, MP-ASI counsellor, or nutritionist before introducing new foods to your baby, and ensure that the choice of natural sweetener chosen is in accordance with the baby's development and health needs.

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