Easy Steps to Maintain Body Health

Easy Steps to Maintain Body Health

As friends of Hermina know, health is the most important and priceless thing. For this reason, many of us are willing to do various things to keep our bodies healthy and fit. In the midst of the intense physical activity that Hermina Friends do every day, Hermina Friends should not neglect their health.

One of the things we often forget about maintaining our health is resting. Many of us choose to sleep late because we finish our work, so we don't get enough sleep. An inappropriate lifestyle that is carried out repeatedly will have a negative influence on our body's health; therefore, it is important for Hermina's friends to adopt a healthy lifestyle so that the body remains healthy and fit.


Why is it important to keep your body healthy and fit?
Hermina's friends certainly already know that a healthy and fit body will keep us away from various diseases. With a healthy and fit body, we can carry out activities smoothly and can improve the quality of life.

The following are easy steps that Hermina Friends can apply in their daily lives to maintain a healthy body:

  1. Enough rest

According to Hermina's friends, getting enough rest is one of the most important things to do to maintain a healthy body, because if we are too busy with activities and forget to rest, the body will become tired and susceptible to disease.

  1. Consume balanced, nutritious food.
    One of the important things in maintaining health is paying attention to the food we consume. When Hermina Friends takes food, don't just focus on taste and trends; it must still be adjusted to our daily nutritional needs. Food with balanced nutrition can be obtained using the 4 healthy, 5 perfect patterns. Hermina's friends can also get guidance on food with balanced portions by consulting first with a nutritionist.
  2. Fulfill your body's fluid needs.
    To meet your body's fluid needs, Hermina Friends can adopt the habit of consuming water regularly, because by drinking water, Hermina Friends can remove toxins in the body that are excreted through urine.
  3. Manage Stress

Stress has been proven to be one of the causes that can weaken the immune system so that it can cause us to get sick easily. When we are stressed, the body will release the hormone cortisol as an energy provider, but if the hormone cortisol is released continuously, the body's condition can actually decrease, making it susceptible to illness.

  1. Exercise regularly

Actively doing exercise regularly will make Hermina's friends fit and less susceptible to disease, not only does regular exercise maintain physical health, it also helps maintain mental health by reducing stress. Do exercise that suits Hermina's friend's body condition.

  1. Do regular health checks
    Perform regular medical check-ups at least once every six months.
  2. Adopt a clean lifestyle
    Maintaining body hygiene is very important, so that Hermina's friends can avoid various infectious diseases.

Hermina Friends can apply the steps above as a way to keep the body healthy and fit. Hermina Friends can consult about tips for maintaining health with an Internal Specialist Doctor at the nearest Hermina Hospital.

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