Open Booth Free Medical Check Up Grand Reunion of IKA Ubaya

Open Booth Free Medical Check Up Grand Reunion of IKA Ubaya

In carrying out a series of Ubaya 55th anniversary celebrations, the University of Surabaya Alumni Association (IKA Ubaya) successfully held a Grand Reunion which invited all alumni from various classes and faculties of the University of Surabaya. This year, the Grand Reunion came with the theme "Stronger Together" which was held at the Tenggilis University of Surabaya campus on Saturday, June 3 2023.

Carrying the concept of the Festival Bazaar, this grand reunion presents a variety of products from alumni, partners and performances that invite alumni to reminisce about their college days. Besides being able to enjoy performances and a variety of products available, alumni can also do a free medical check-up provided at the Ubaya Hospital booth. The medical check-ups provided include checking blood pressure, blood sugar, uric acid and cholesterol tests. Participants who attend to do a medical check-up can choose one of the medical check-ups provided except for blood pressure checks. General practitioners were also presented by the Ubaya Hospital so that the alumni could consult for free regarding their health problems or simply consult the results of the tests that had been carried out. The existence of a medical check-up and consultation with a doctor is expected to build awareness of the importance of medical examinations that should be carried out routinely to identify and evaluate health conditions and facilitate early diagnosis of potential health problems that may arise in the future, considering that Ubaya alumni who attend are already old. who are quite susceptible to health problems. In addition, the open booth at the Grand Reunion is expected to introduce Ubaya Hospital to alumni as a form of promotion.

The Ubaya IKA Grand Reunion is held every 5 years and in 2023 will be attended by around 1500 alumni from within and outside the country. With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that it can strengthen communication, cohesiveness among alumni and strengthen national unity because Ubaya is a multicultural campus, namely the campus consists of various ethnic groups.

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