Important Methods to Increase the Chances of Recovery for Stroke Patients with Code Stroke at Hermina Hospital Makassar

Important Methods to Increase the Chances of Recovery for Stroke Patients with Code Stroke at Hermina Hospital Makassar

An important method to increase the chances of recovery for stroke patients with Code Stroke at Hermina Makassar Hospital

Code stroke is a health protocol implemented by hospitals to speed up the treatment of stroke patients. This protocol involves a multidisciplinary team working together to promptly diagnose and treat stroke patients.

Take them to the hospital immediately if your family experiences:
⚠️ Asymmetrical smile
⚠️Weakened movement of half of the body
⚠️Speak slowly
⚠️Numbness or tingling throughout the body
⚠️Mysightedness in one eye and sudden headache

4.5 hours can save lives and prevent paralysis. Take him to the hospital immediately!
Hermina Makassar Hospital emergency call service: 0851-7409-7781

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