dr. Tisa Prima Putri, Sp.OnkRad

dr. Tisa Prima Putri, Sp.OnkRad

 Radiation Oncology

 Hermina Bekasi

dr. Tisa Prima Putri, Sp.OnkRad adalah Dokter Spesialis Onkologi Radiasi RS Hermina Bekasi yang mempelajari dasar keilmuan onkologi secara menyeluruh mulai dari ilmu dasar onkologi, pencegahan hingga pengobatan, rehabilitasi penyakit keganasan dan terapi radiasi. Beliau lulusan dari Universitas Indonesia Tahun 2020

Most people understand chemotherapy as the only therapy for cancer. In fact, there are various other types of therapy in dealing with cancer, including surgery/surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, as well as hormonal therapy and immunotherapy. The therapy can be given alone or in combination. Th...

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