Study Tiru RS Hermina Padang ke Daehan Rehabilitation Hospital Putrajaya  Malaysia

Study Tiru RS Hermina Padang ke Daehan Rehabilitation Hospital Putrajaya Malaysia

As an effort to improve the quality of hospital services, especially medical rehabilitation services for physiotherapy, Hermina Padang Hospital carried out comparative study activities to Daehan Hospital Putrajaya Malaysia on 8-10 February 2024. This comparative study was carried out directly b...

Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital Services and Facilities

Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital Services and Facilities

Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital is the 9th member hospital of the Hermina Group Hospital, Type C Hospital with PT Ownership. Medikaloka Malang and Number of Beds 105 TT with competent medical personnel and complete medical support facilities. The superior services at Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospi...

Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with the Shalom clinic

Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with the Shalom clinic

In order to improve the field of health services, Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with first level health facilities

Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with Global Islamic School

Hermina Serpong Hospital collaborates with Global Islamic School

RS Hermina serpong Bekerjasama denganGlobal Islamic School

Punya Keluhan di Saluran Kemih, Yuk Lakukan Pemeriksaan Uroflowmetri

Punya Keluhan di Saluran Kemih, Yuk Lakukan Pemeriksaan Uroflowmetri

Sahabat Hermina, Uroflowmetrimerupakan sebuah pemeriksaan yang ditujukan untuk mengukur aliran dan kekuatan aliran urine saat seseorang buang air kecil. Pemeriksaan ini bertujuan untuk menilai apakah fungsi kandung kemih seseorang normal atau tidak. Hasil tersebut juga dapat membantu untuk me...

Spine Clinic (Klinik Tulang Belakang) RS Hermina Daan Mogot

Spine Clinic (Klinik Tulang Belakang) RS Hermina Daan Mogot

Spine Clinic (Klinik Tulang Belakang) Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital is a health service for treating spinal problems, which can be characterized by various symptoms, such as neck pain, back pain, and low back pain. The type of action that can be carried out is by using the PLDD (Percutaneous La...

Radiology Services at Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital

Radiology Services at Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital

Hello Hermina Friends, Radiology services are one of the supporting installations at Hermina Daan Mogot Hospital. Radiology provides radiodiagnostic services to help patients and clinicians in the process of establishing diagnosis and therapy for patients. This service is supported by our team ...

Love yourself, Love your reproductive organs, love your future.

Love yourself, Love your reproductive organs, love your future.

Hermina Samarinda Hospital in collaboration with PT First EP Site Sanga - Sanga organized Health Talk activities on site. The event aims to provide a better understanding of the importance ofining reproductive health as an inventory for the future. The source in this event is Dr. Natanael Kur...

The role of balanced nutrition for a healthy and safe work

The role of balanced nutrition for a healthy and safe work

Hermina Samarinda Hospital in collaboration with PT UPLN UP3 Samarinda organized Health Talk activities on site. The event aims to provide a better understanding of the role of Balanced Nutrition and Healthy Efforts in the Workplace. The source in this event is Dr. Benedicta Afianti I, SpGK...



Hermina Samarinda Hospital in collaboration with UNITED TRACTORS SITE TABANG organizes Health Talk activities online. The event aims to provide a better understanding of the diseases of Hyperurisemia or commonly known as urolithiasis, how to lower uric acidity and how to prevent uric disease fro...

Kamar Kelas 1 RS Hermina Manado

Kamar Kelas 1 RS Hermina Manado

Halo sobat Hermina ... Rawat inap di RS Hermina Manado semakin nyaman dengan Kamar Kelas 1yang memiliki fasilitas lengkap dan ditunjang dengan tenaga medis yang profesional.

Tarif Kamar Perawatan RS Hermina Manado

Tarif Kamar Perawatan RS Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina .... Rencana rawat inap namun tidak tahu tarif kamar yang berlaku di rs hermina manado ? Nah berikut daftar tarifnya

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