Carry out an audiometry examination to check your hearing function, Friends of Hermina!

Carry out an audiometry examination to check your hearing function, Friends of Hermina!

Carry out an audiometry examination to check your hearing function, Friends of Hermina!

Hearing loss is a condition when a person cannot hear some or all sounds through one or both ears. People who have mild hearing loss may still be able to communicate well. However, severe hearing loss can cause deafness. This certainly disrupts the sufferer's quality of life and causes difficulties in communicating.

When experiencing hearing loss, a person will usually experience the following signs and symptoms:

Often asks others to repeat what they said
Difficulty understanding what the person you are talking to or those around you are saying or saying
Dizziness or vertigo
Ears ringing
Sometimes, hearing loss also causes sufferers to often feel tired, stressed, and even withdraw from social environments. As previously mentioned, hearing loss can be temporary or permanent and generally occurs gradually with age. However, hearing loss can sometimes occur suddenly. If Hermina's friends experience the various symptoms above, you should immediately consult an ENT doctor. The doctor will evaluate hearing function by carrying out ear examinations and hearing tests, one of which is an audiometry test.

Hearing Test with Audiometry Test

Audiometry tests are carried out using a machine called an audiometer to produce sounds of different volumes and frequencies. Not only to detect hearing loss, audiometry tests are also carried out as part of routine health examinations (check-ups).

The following are the stages of examination with an audiometric test:

Preparation phase
When the audiometry test is carried out, Hermina's friends will be asked to sit in a special room. The examiner or audiologist will explain the procedures for the examination and what needs to be done in the room. After that, the audiologist will place earphones in the ears.

Inspection stage

When the audiometry test begins, the audiologist will play various sounds, such as sounds and speech, at different volumes, frequencies, and intervals into both ears. This aims to determine the range of hearing ability of each ear.

During the audiometry examination, the audiologist will give instructions, for example asking Hermina's friends to raise their hands or repeat the words they hear. This aims to evaluate the ability to recognize words and differentiate speech sounds from surrounding sounds.

Test results analysis stage

After undergoing the test, the audiologist will review the test results, through these test results the doctor can tell you the cause of the hearing loss you are experiencing and the appropriate treatment steps to overcome it.

The audiometry test usually takes 40–60 minutes. This test does not require any special preparation beforehand and does not pose any risks. During the examination, you only need to follow the audiologist's instructions.

If Hermina's friends or family experience some symptoms of hearing loss, you should immediately consult an ENT specialist at RSU Hermina Pandanaran so that hearing examinations and tests (including audiometric tests) can be carried out to assess how good your hearing ability is.

For complete information, please contact the RSU Hermina Pandanaran hotline 024-8442525

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