Malang Health Tourism Visit

Malang Health Tourism Visit

Health Tourism has been designated as one of the government's national strategic priority programs of the Republic of Indonesia. Malang is the fourth health tourism area in Indonesia after North Sumatra with the Medan Medical Tourism Board, Bali with the Bali Medical Tourism Association, and North Sulawesi with North Sulawesi Health Tourism.

The Chairperson of the Malang Health Tourism FGD Committee, Ardantya Syahreza made visits to several hospitals to coincide on June 3, 2023 Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital had the opportunity to receive visits, Head of the Malang Health Tourism FGD Committee, Ardantya Syahreza hopes that with the formation of the Malang Health Tourism management can invite doctors to be active provide input to the hospital regarding what services are needed in Malang. And Hermina Tangkubanprahu Hospital is ready to support the existing superior services.

We thank the Head of the Malang Health Tourism FGD Committee and their staff, I hope that this good collaboration will be even better in the future.

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