Recognize Sexual Disorders as Early as Possible, Hypospadias!

Recognize Sexual Disorders as Early as Possible, Hypospadias!

Friends of Hermina, Let's get to know Hypospadias as early as possible which is a condition of a congenital abnormality that causes the male urethra to not be in its proper position. The urethra is the tube that connects the bladder to the tip of the penis.

Let's have a deeper explanation about Hypospadias with Dr. Yulfitra Soni, SpU

dr. Yulfitra Soni, SpU is a specialist in urology who practices at Hermina Bogor Hospital.

The following is his practice schedule:
Tuesday: 17.00 – 19.00
Thursday: 17.00 – 19.00
Saturday: 09.00 – 10.00


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1. Hermina Mobile Application (available on Playstore/Appstore)

2. Website :

3. Call Center : 1500488

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