dr. Ika Fitriana, SpPD-KGer

dr. Ika Fitriana, SpPD-KGer

 Internal Medicine - (Geriatrics)

 Hermina Bekasi

dr. Ika Fitriana, Sp.PD-KGer adalah dokter RS Hermina Bekasi yang berfokus pada penanganan berbagai keluhan dan masalah kesehatan pada orang lanjut usia, seperti sindrom geriatri, malnutrisi pada lansia, delirium, imobilitas, inkontinensia urine, gangguan tidur, demensia, disfungsi seksual, hipotensi ortostatik, gagal jantung, hipertensi, sinkop, infeksi pada lansia seperti pneumonia dan infeksi saluran kemih, penyakit Parkinson, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, dan diabetes.
3 Tips for Healthy Muscles for Healthy Elderly

Elderly is someone who has reached the age of 60 (sixty) years and over. Healthy elderly means physically, mentally, spiritually and socially healthy so they can be productive in everyday life. During the aging process, various changes in body functions occur so that the elderly often experie...

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