dr. Happy Lauwrenz, Sp.PD

dr. Happy Lauwrenz, Sp.PD

 Internal Medicine

 Hermina Makassar

dr. Happy Lauwrenz, Sp.PD adalah salah satu dokter spesialis penyakit dalam di RS. Hermina Makassar. Beliau adalah dokter yang menangani berbagai keluhan dan masalah kesehatan yang mencakup semua organ tubuh bagian dalam, baik pada orang dewasa maupun lansia seperti penyakit hipertensi, diabetes mellitus dan penyakit degeneratif lainnya
Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Hello Hermina friends, as we age, we will experience changes both physically and mentally. Several diseases began to appear and often occur in the elderly, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, anxiety disorders to cataracts. The emergence of these degenera...

Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Hello Hermina friends, as we age, we will experience changes both physically and mentally. Several diseases began to appear and often occur in the elderly, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, anxiety disorders to cataracts. The emergence of these degenera...

Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Hello Hermina friends, as we age, we will experience changes both physically and mentally. Several diseases began to appear and often occur in the elderly, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, anxiety disorders to cataracts. The emergence of these degenera...

Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Hello Hermina friends, as we age, we will experience changes both physically and mentally. Several diseases began to appear and often occur in the elderly, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, anxiety disorders to cataracts. The emergence of these degenera...

Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Hello Hermina friends, as we age, we will experience changes both physically and mentally. Several diseases began to appear and often occur in the elderly, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, anxiety disorders to cataracts. The emergence of these degenera...

Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Hello Hermina friends, as we age, we will experience changes both physically and mentally. Several diseases began to appear and often occur in the elderly, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, anxiety disorders to cataracts. The emergence of these degenera...

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