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Selamat Bergabung dr. Lily Wongso, Sp.JP di RSU Hermina Manado

Selamat Bergabung dr. Lily Wongso, Sp.JP di RSU Hermina Manado

Halo sahabat Hermina ... Selamat bergabung dengan RS Hermina Manado kepada dr.@lilywongsoSpesialis Jantung & Pembuluh Darah dan siap melayani sahabat Hermina semua, untuk jadwal praktek dapat di akses melalui website dan mobile aplikasi Halo Hermina.

Cough Ethics

Cough Ethics

Cough etiquette is practiced to avoid transmitting disease to people you loved.

Miscellaneous MPASI Nutrition Specialist Doctor, Hermina Hospital, Solo

Miscellaneous MPASI Nutrition Specialist Doctor, Hermina Hospital, Solo

The thing that parents worry most about when caring for a baby is generally related to nutrition. Babies can get nutrition through breast milk for the first six months. However, as the baby grows, consuming breast milk alone is certainly not enough. At the age of 6 months, babies will usually co...

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Platinum Medical Check-Up
The best option with specialized doctors and comprehensive medical tests. It is highly suitable for those with a family history of diseases or for those who want to ensure their health condition is in excellent shape.
Diamond Medical Check-Up
A comprehensive health check-up package from RS Hermina that includes consultations with specialist doctors and advanced diagnostic tests to ensure your overall health.
Gold Medical Check-Up
Get a comprehensive and professional health check-up at RS Hermina with the Gold Medical Check-Up package, which includes specialist doctors and complete laboratory tests.
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Hermina Hospitals Awards

Hermina Award Markplus Gold Champion of Indonesia WOW Brand - 2014
Markplus Gold Champion of Indonesia WOW Brand - 2014
Hermina Award KARS Hospital Group with The Most Accreditation - 2015
KARS Hospital Group with The Most Accreditation - 2015
Hermina Award Brand For Good Club - 2016
Brand For Good Club - 2016
Hermina Award SWA Most Reputable Brand - 2015
SWA Most Reputable Brand - 2015
Hermina Award SWA #1 Champion Indonesia Original Brand - 2016
SWA #1 Champion Indonesia Original Brand - 2016
Hermina Award BPJS Kesehatan Awward 2020 - RS Hermina Pasteur
BPJS Kesehatan Awward 2020 - RS Hermina Pasteur
Hermina Award Most Engaging Yotube - PERHUMASRI AWARDS 2023
Most Engaging Yotube - PERHUMASRI AWARDS 2023
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