Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Diseases that are Common in the Elderly

Hello Hermina friends, as we age, we will experience changes both physically and mentally. Several diseases began to appear and often occur in the elderly, including coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, hypertension, anxiety disorders to cataracts. The emergence of these degenerative diseases can affect a person's quality of life. By knowing some of the diseases that often occur in the elderly, we can start planning and implementing a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Some of the diseases that often arise and are at risk of occurring in the elderly, include:

    Diabetes mellitus. This disease is one of the diseases that are prone to be experienced by the elderly. Diabetes mellitus or what we know as diabetes, can attack from a young age and is most susceptible to occur in the elderly. Diabetes mellitus can be identified through blood tests to determine blood sugar levels in the body. There is the term GDS (Blood Sugar When) which is a blood sugar test that is done at any time even after eating. The results will describe blood sugar levels. If the results show > 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/L), then it is certain that the person is suffering from blood sugar. There is also the term GDP (Fasting Blood Sugar), usually the GDP test is done on purpose and to find out the sugar level in the blood after 8 to 10 hours of not eating. It is recommended to do it in the morning. The GDP value should not be more than 126 mg/dl
    Hypertension. Hypertension is the medical understanding of high blood pressure. This condition can cause various kinds of life-threatening health complications if left unchecked. In fact, this disorder can lead to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and death. A person can experience high blood pressure when more blood is pumped by the heart and due to the narrowing of the blood vessels in the arteries. Hypertension can be known by routine checks on blood pressure. It is recommended to be done annually by all adults.
Coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is a condition when the main blood vessels that supply blood, oxygen and nutrients to the heart are disrupted. This condition is caused by cholesterol plaque and inflammation
    Strokes. Stroke is the number one cause of disability and the second cause of death in the world after ischemic heart disease in both developed and developing countries. Stroke is a symptom of a deficit in nerve function caused by cerebrovascular disease. Impaired nerve function in a stroke is caused by a non-traumatic brain circulatory disorder.
    These nerve disorders cause symptoms including: paralysis of the face or limbs, speech is not fluent, speech is not clear (pelo), changes in consciousness, visual disturbances, and others.
    Cataract. Cataracts are a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and vision becomes as opaque as a dewy window glass. Besides causing discomfort, cataracts can also cause harm. The cause of cataracts can be the result of several factors, including age, exposure to ultraviolet light, smoking, to diabetes.

The explanation above are some of the diseases that are prone to be experienced by the elderly. Routine check-ups by doing medical check-ups, exercising regularly and adopting a healthy lifestyle from an early age are our efforts to stay healthy and fit in old age. Greetings healthy

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