Get to know the function of the ovaries in women and the disorders that often occur

Get to know the function of the ovaries in women and the disorders that often occur

The ovaries are very important organs for women. The ovaries function to support the reproductive and menstrual processes in women. Apart from that, the ovaries are also important for women's health because they function to produce hormones. However, if women ignore the health of their female organs, several health problems related to the ovaries will arise.

What are Ovaries?

The ovaries or ovaries are small, oval-shaped glands located on both sides of the uterus. In general, the ovaries are known as a place to produce and store ovum (egg cells). If fertilization occurs during the fertile period by sperm cells, pregnancy will occur. However, after a woman experiences menopause, the ovaries will stop releasing eggs. This is why women who have experienced menopause will not experience menstruation.

Ovarian Function

Apart from playing an important role in the menstrual cycle and fertilization process, the ovaries also have other functions, including the following:

    Producing Female Sex Hormones. One of the functions of the ovaries is to produce female sex hormones, including the hormones estrogen, progesterone, relaxin and inhibin
    Releasing Egg Cells. The second function of the ovaries is to release eggs every time the menstrual cycle occurs in women. Inside the ovaries, there are follicles and each follicle has an active or inactive egg cell.
    Protects Egg Cells. The third function of the ovaries is to protect the egg cells until they are ready to be fertilized by sperm. After birth, every woman generally has a supply of eggs in her body to help support the reproductive process

However, if women ignore the health of their female organs, it is possible that several diseases that often occur in the ovaries will occur, including:

    Nausea and Diarrhea
    Irregular menstrual cycle
    Stomach bloating and hip pain
    Ovarian Cancer
    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    Pelvic Inflammation
    Ovarian Tumor
    Dysmenorrhea (severe pain during menstruation)

Therefore, it is important for women to know the function of the ovarian organs in order to maintain ovarian health and avoid health problems. If Hermina's friends experience health problems related to the pregnancy, don't hesitate to go to the nearest Hermina Hospital to get further treatment.

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