Steps to Prevent Scoliosis, Keep Your Back Healthy

Steps to Prevent Scoliosis, Keep Your Back Healthy

Scoliosis is a spinal disorder that can change the sufferer's body posture. When viewed from behind, the spine in scoliosis will be shaped like the letter "C" or "S". Scoliosis can affect any age, from babies to adults. So, how to prevent scoliosis? Come on, look at the complete explanation in the following article.


Understanding Scoliosis

By definition, the word Scoliosis comes from the Greek word scoliosis which means crooked. Scoliosis is a spinal deformity in the form of a sideways/lateral curvature. When viewed from behind, the spine in scoliosis will be shaped like the letter "C" or "S".

Adults with scoliosis, if their spine becomes more severe, will find it difficult to breathe, pain and deformity in the spine. If left untreated, paralysis may occur. Therefore, treatment needs to be done immediately when the problem is still in a mild stage to prevent various complications that can be dangerous.


Scoliosis Risk Factors

In most cases, the exact cause of scoliosis cannot be known. However, there are several factors that can increase the risk, namely:

  1. Age. Although it can occur at any age, this spinal disorder is more common in children, teenagers and the elderly.
  2. Gender. Compared to boys, the risk of developing scoliosis is worse in girls.
  3. Family health history. Although rare, having a family member with a history of scoliosis can increase the risk.


Causes of Scoliosis

Most cases of scoliosis have no known cause, which is also called idiopathic scoliosis. This problem cannot be prevented and is thought to be unrelated to several other things, such as poor posture, the impact of exercise and diet. However, hereditary factors or genes can make a person more susceptible to experiencing it. Apart from idiopathic scoliosis, here are some causes of this bone problem:

  • Degenerative scoliosis. This cause occurs due to damage to the spine and often occurs in adults as they get older.
  • Idiopathic scoliosis. In this idiopathic case, it occurs due to genetic factors.
  • Congenital scoliosis. Congenital causes occur because the spine does not grow normally when the baby is in the womb.


Scoliosis Symptoms

If the curvature of scoliosis gets worse, the spine can also twist or twist, in addition to curving from one side to the other. This can cause the ribs on one side of the body to stick out more than the other side.

Other symptoms of scoliosis that can be seen are changes in the appearance of the chest, hips and shoulders, such as:

  1. Lean to one side.
  2. One part of the shoulder will look higher.
  3. One of the shoulder blades appears more prominent.
  4. There is a bulge in one part of the hip.
  5. Lower back pain.
  6. Back stiffness.
  7. Pain and numbness in your leg (due to a pinched nerve).
  8. Fatigue due to muscle tension.


To confirm a diagnosis of scoliosis, the doctor will ask about the symptoms you are experiencing and your history of the disease. Then, the doctor will perform a physical examination, by asking the sufferer to stand or bend, and check the condition of the nerves. The doctor can also perform an X-ray and CT-SCAN examination to determine the presence of scoliosis and the severity of the spinal curvature experienced.

Hermina friends who experience symptoms of scoliosis can consult an orthopedic specialist at RSU Hermina Pandanaran. Get easy doctor registration via the HALO HERMINA mobile application, Call Center 1500488 and the website

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